Contact details and imprint


NEMA Entertainment GmbH
Alfred-Hess-Strasse 18A
D-99094 Erfurt

Managing Director

Peter Aßmann
Tel.: +49 361 2 26 01 46
Fax: +49 361 2 25 19 68
Mobile: +49 172 3 60 90 31



Commercial Register
Registration Court: Jena Local Court
Registration Number: HRB 111565


VAT ID number pursuant to Art. 27a Value Added Tax Act:
DE 245235045

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Consumer information pursuant to Art. 36 VSBG (Consumer Dispute Resolution Act)

NEMA Entertainment GmbH is not obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings under the VSBG and shall decline to do so.


Liability for content:

As a service provider, we are liable for our own content on this website pursuant to Art. 7 Para.1 TMG (Telemedia Act) under general law. However, pursuant to Arts. 8 to 10 TMG, as service providers we are under no obligation to monitor submitted or stored third-party information or to search for evidence indicating illegal activity. Obligations under general law to remove or block the use of information shall remain unaffected by this. In this case, liability can only be assumed, however, from the time we became aware of a specific violation of the law. Illegal content will be removed immediately we become aware of its existence.

Liability for links:

Our website contains links to third-party websites. We have no influence over the content of such websites, and can therefore offer no guarantees in this respect. Providers or administrators of linked websites are always responsible for their own content. The linked websites were checked for possible legal violations at the time the link was established. No illegal content was detected at that time. A permanent monitoring of the contents of linked websites cannot reasonably be expected without any actual indication that there has been a legal violation. Links to unlawful content will be removed immediately once we become aware of such violations.


Content and works published on this website by its operator are subject to German copyright law. Reproduction, editing, distribution as well as use of any kind outside the scope of the copyright law require written permission from the author or originator. Downloads and copies of these web pages are permitted for private, non-commercial use only. Where the contents of these web pages do not originate with the operator, the copyright of third parties will be respected. Contributions by third parties on this site are indicated as such. However, if you identify any violations of copyright law, please notify us accordingly. Such content will be removed immediately once we become aware of it.

Picture credits

All photographs and graphics are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved, including those of reproduction, publication and editing.

Photos on home page:
1) Erfurt – Panorama: Dirk Wächter,
2) Erfurt – Krämerbrücke: canadastock /
3) Erfurt – Cathedral: Val Thoermer /
4) Erfurt – Krämerbrücke: pixelliebe /
5) Erfurt – Kreuzgasse: Traveller Martin /

NEMA Entertainment GmbH would also like to thank the following individuals and organisations for generously granting their permission for the publication of photographs on this website: Albrecht Fröhlich, Alexander Volkmann, Andrea Ludwig, Art Tremondo, Bernd Moritz, Dirk Wächter, Firma Dachser, Helmut Wiedon, Henning Haag, Matthias Frank Schmidt, Michael Peter, Michael Voigt, Thüringer Allgemeine, Tobias Kromke, T-Wood, Wolfgang Benkert.


We use the following fonts for the style sheets on this website:

‘Roboto’ and ‘Roboto Condensed’ fonts:

Autor / Design: Christian Robertson, Principal design
Licence: Apache License, Version 2.0 –

‘Font Awesome’ icons:

Author: Dave Gandy
Licence: SIL Open Font License –
Home page: